Standard Functions

Available through the ExpressionConfiguration.StandardFunctionsDictionary constant:

Basic Functions

Name Description
ABS(value) Absolute (non-negative) value
AVERAGE(value, …) Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all parameters.
CEILING(value) Rounds the given value an integer using the rounding mode CEILING
COALESCE(value, …) Returns the first non-null parameter, or NULL if all parameters are null
FACT(base) Calculates the factorial of a base value
FLOOR(value) Rounds the given value an integer using the rounding mode FLOOR
IF(condition, resultIfTrue, resultIfFalse) Conditional evaluation function. If condition is true, the resultIfTrue is returned, else the resultIfFalse value
LOG(value) The natural logarithm (base e) of a value
LOG10(value) The base 10 logarithm of a value
MAX(value, …) Returns the maximum value of all parameters. If a parameter is of type ARRAY, the maximum of all elements is calculated.
MIN(value, …) Returns the minimum value of all parameters. If a parameter is of type ARRAY, the minimum of all elements is calculated.
NOT(value) Boolean negation, implemented as a function (for compatibility)
RANDOM() Produces a random value between 0 and 1
ROUND(value, scale) Rounds the given value to the specified scale, using the current rounding mode
SQRT(value) Square root function
SUM(value, …) Returns the sum of all parameters. If a parameter is of type ARRAY, the sum of all elements is calculated.
SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, [value2-N, result2-N …], [default]) Returns the result correponding to the first matching value in the specified expression or an optional default value if no match found.

String Functions

Name Description
STR_CONTAINS(string, substring) Returns true if the string contains the substring (case-insensitive)
STR_ENDS_WITH(string, substring) Returns true if the string ends with the substring (case-sensitive)
STR_FORMAT(format [,argument, …]) Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments, using the configured locale
STR_LOWER(value) Converts the given value to lower case
STR_STARTS_WITH(string, substring) Returns true if the string starts with the substring (case-sensitive)
STR_TRIM(string) Returns the given string with all leading and trailing space removed.
STR_UPPER(value) Converts the given value to upper case

Trigonometric Functions

Name Description
ACOS(value) Returns the arc-cosine (in degrees)
ACOSH(value) Returns the hyperbolic arc-cosine
ACOSR(value) Returns the arc-cosine (in radians)
ACOT(value) Returns the arc-co-tangent (in degrees)
ACOTH(value) Returns the hyperbolic arc-co-tangent (in degrees)
ACOTR(value) Returns the arc-co-tangent (in radians)
ASIN(value) Returns the arc-sine (in degrees)
ASINH(value) Returns the hyperbolic arc-sine
ASINR(value) Returns the arc-sine (in radians)
ATAN2(y, x) Returns the angle of atan2 (in degrees)
ATAN2R(y, x) Returns the angle of atan2 (in radians)
ATAN(value) Returns the arc-tangent (in degrees)
ATANH(value) Returns the hyperbolic arc-tangent
ATANR(value) Returns the arc-tangent (in radians)
COS(value) Returns the cosine of an angle (in degrees)
COSH(value) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value
COSR(value) Returns the cosine of an angle (in radians)
COT(value) Returns the co-tangent of an angle (in degrees)
COTH(value) Returns the hyperbolic co-tangent of a value
COTR(value) Returns the co-tangent of an angle (in radians)
CSC(value) Returns the co-secant of an angle (in degrees)
CSCH(value) Returns the hyperbolic co-secant of a value
CSCR(value) Returns the co-secant of an angle (in radians)
DEG(rad) Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees
RAD(degrees) Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians
SEC(value) Returns the secant of an angle (in degrees)
SECH(value) Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle
SECR(value) Returns the secant of an angle (in radians)
SIN(value) Returns the sine of an angle (in degrees)
SINH(value) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value
SINR(value) Returns the sine of an angle (in radians)
TAN(value) Returns the tangent of an angle (in degrees)
TANH(value) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value
TANR(value) Returns the tangent of an angle (in radians)

Date Time Functions

Name Description
DT_DATE_NEW(year, month, day [,hour, minute, second, millis, nanos] [,zoneId]) Returns a new DATE_TIME value with the given parameters. An optional time zone (string) can be specified, e.g. “Europe/Berlin”, or “GMT+02:00”. If no zone id is specified, the configured zone id is used.
DT_DATE_NEW(millis) Returns a new DATE_TIME from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z in milliseconds.
DT_DATE_PARSE(value [,zoneId] [,format, …]) Converts the given string value to a date time value by using the optional time zone and formats. All formats are used until the first matching format. Without a format, the configured formats are used. Time zone can be NULL, the the configured time zone and locale is used.
DT_DATE_FORMAT(value, [,format] [,zoneId]) Formats the given date-time to a string using the given optional format and time zone. Without a format, the first configured format is used. The zone id defaults to the configured zone id.
DT_DATE_TO_EPOCH(value) Converts the given value to epoch timestamp in millisecond.
DT_DURATION_NEW(days [,hours, minutes, seconds, nanos]) Returns a new DURATION value with the given parameters.
DT_DURATION_PARSE(value) Converts the given ISO-8601 duration string representation to a duration value. E.g. “P2DT3H4M” parses 2 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes.
DT_DURATION_FROM_MILLIS(millis) Returns a new DURATION value with the given milliseconds.
DT_DURATION_TO_MILLIS(value) Converts the given duration to a milliseconds value.
DT_NOW() Produces a new DATE_TIME that represents the current moment in time.
DT_TODAY([zoneId]) Produces a new DATE_TIME that represents the current date, at midnight (00:00). An optional time zone (string) can be specified, e.g. “America/Sao_Paulo”, or “GMT-03:00”. If no zone id is specified, the configured zone id is used.

Copyright © 2012-2022 Udo Klimaschewski